- Intro
- Cat
- About
- Skills
- Skills
- Contact
- Recipes
To expand on my intro on the home page, there are a few things of some importance about me you might like to know about (or not but you do not really have a saying in this matter now do you :^) ). To start with, below is a reference table if you ever are unfortunate enough to have met (or are about to meet) me in real life, so you know what topics make me want to defenestrate the nearest breathing entity within my reach. But now that you are up to speed you should not have anything to worry about right? :^)

I love
- Cats
- Technology
- Problem solving
- Elegance
- Programming
- Nature
- Martial arts
I loathe
- Politicians
- Social media
- Bankers
- Influencers
- Crypto
- Journalists
- Smokers
I talk about
- Personal projects
- Green energy
- PC gaming
- Linux
- Nihilism
- Cyber security
- Cloud infrastructure
You have likely concluded or at least speculated that I am a bloody misanthrope and you would not be entirely mistaken. While I prefer to keep the associated story - which is both immensely sad and quite thrilling - to myself, I hereby reveal that nothing is ever black or white, and I am no exception to this rule.
As you have undoubtedly noticed, I am quite the cat dad, so I happily present the star of my website, my personal void: "Fien" (pronounced as "phene" or "/fiːn/" in English). Below is just a few pictures of her. I likely have over a thousand pictures of her in my amazon cloud. I might periodically provide an archive you can download of all of her pictures up to a specific point in time, we shall see.

Sleepy beauty
Of all the cats I have met, she has the most exotic personality. While this is generally true for female cats, none come close to her. She has the ultimate "cattitude". She sleeps whereever and whenever she wants, like the queen she is. You can see her sleeping here on a hard surface - in what looks like an uncomfortable position - next to my katana (did I mention I practice karate?).

Menace of society
She likes to sit next to me all the time. And the cup. the bloody cup. I get thristy sometimes so I fill it with tap water and the second I put it down she is already drinking from it. She has a perfectly fine water bowl a few metres away, which is usually replaced as well to keep it fresh. Yet she likes to stick her entire tiny head in my cup just to get that last bit of water.

Cats with jobs
When I am relaxing or working on a project she is always ready to interrupt or block my vision preventing me from doing whatever it is I should be doing at that present time. She does not really sit quietly either, usually she keeps walking around my keyboard in front of my monitors for a long while until she has got enough attention for a while.

Do not wake a sleeping lion
The "purrfect" fluffy cushion of darkness is at times the perfect chilling buddy. Well... that is until you turn a page of a book and the page falls in place a little too excited. And so, the cat will respond accordingly.
Animals of all kinds I like. My favourite animals whether it be for their looks or behaviors are cats (including the big ones), foxes, racoons, wolves, sables, otters, red pandas and without a doubt more. Even though I do not really have anything against dogs I did not include them because I have experienced multiple traumas with them. Oh, and horses frighten me.
You are still here? Impressive. It seems like you are a tad different from the usual "5 second attention span" doom scroller that is sent my way. I am an astonishingly interesting and complicated person with many qualities and interests (aside from the ones listed on here) - if I do say so myself -, sadly I shall not be providing any more about me as this is not the purpose of this website.
If you want to get to know me better (you would certainly surprise me) or simply have a project that you want me to work on, feel free to jump to the contact section.
Hard skills
I am an adept in a wide variety of technological aspects, granting me the required knowledge to adapt to pretty much anything at quick pace. Below is a weird graph I have constructed. This part mainly covers tech hard skills. You are supposed to interpret the range values compared to other range values within the same section.
Soft skills
I am an adept in a wide variety of technological aspects, granting me the required knowledge to adapt to pretty much anything at quick pace. Below is a weird graph I have constructed. This part mainly covers tech hard skills. You are supposed to interpret the range values compared to other range values within the same section.
Problem solving
Critical thinking
Uncategorised :^)
Public speaking
WAIT! Please read this before proceeding any further. Even though I cannot enforce them, I do have some restrictions on whether you should contact me. They are not very strict but if ignored I might ignore you as well. Tit for tat.
All read up? Wonderful. You can contact me using one of the methods below. Adjust the slider to see the prefered methods by which I am contacted according to your intentions towards me.
Yes I did colourise the logos to my liking. Original colours do not match my websites theme. Complain all you want, I do not care :3